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Jumping Chinook Salmon, Bailey

Camera: Nikon F90     Lens: Sigma APO 7.2/500m AF     Film: Agfa RS200     Date: 04.09.1997

Jumping Chinook Salmon, Bailey's Chute, Wells Gray Provincial Park, BC

This Chinook Salmon has already traveled over 600km through lakes, up heavy rapids, strong currents, and has escaped natural predators on the way to their spawning ground. They will feed very little if at all; their only motive is to reach their spawning grounds. Knowing this and witnessing these incredible creatures battle against all odds is both heartbreaking and overwhelming. Bailey’s Chute is the last, unsurmountable obstacle on their epic journey. Exhausted, they will float back down Clearwater River a few kilometers to a gravely area known as “Horseshoe”, dig their nest and leave the last bit of effort to spawn ... and then to die.